
From my earliest childhood I can not remember a time when I was not drawing in some form.  It was something I could always just do.  Painting needed materials but drawing was always an availability.  My brother and I would spend hours as children just sitting there drawing away, whatever came into our minds.  Mostly he drew cars while I drew animals, plants or trees and made up stories about them.  Later my studies included the discipline of hand drafting and lettering which I continued to use in my professional life as a designer.

For me it is the quality of draftsmanship that is the bedrock.  It is the primary tool I use to develop and visualize the concepts from my imagination.  I can investigate form, spatial relationships, shadows, scale, on and on.  Through drawing I analyze my thoughts and develop compositions and directions not only for my work but practically for my life as well.

The drawings on this site show a number of specific anatomy studies I have done in my efforts to understand various forms or passages of a composition or painting I am working on.  Many of the drawings are finished works in themselves where the expressive quality of the draftsmanship and the beauty of line and shadow gives form.